Election of deputy challenged to clean Capira name

A group of residents and candidates in the community of Capira in West Panama will contest the resultafter the re-election of the Democratic Change party (CD), deputy and current president of the National Assembly Yanibel Abrego
They said on Wednesday May 8 that they are unhappy and reported alleged irregularities with the delivery of food bags and other patronage acts.
One of the spokesmen said that ” Capira does not sell or itself and wants an authority that changes things .”
Meanwhile, residents said they have unified and will challenge the elections of 10 corregimientos, the mayor’s office and the deputy.
They argue that despite the cost of the challenge $25,000 for each they will raise the money throughout the district to fulfill the commitment, although most are humble.
They ssay that they have been criticized throughout the country for the re-election of Ábrego and to clean the district’s name.