Constitutional reform in first 100 days says Cortizo


Constitutional reform,  in the first 100 days of his presidency is a priority of president-elect, Laurentino ‘Nito’ Cortizo,  h said on Monday May 6.

He said it could be achieved through two legislative periods and be a reality this year.

The reform package analyzed by the Council for the National Coalition would be the document that would be sent to the National Assembly.

“The reforms to the Constitution are important and we have to act quickly, and for that, we will use the document that was prepared.

He added, that the Chamber of Commerce, Industries and Agriculture of Panama and the National Council for Private Enterprise (Conep) support that document.

“The idea is that in these months we have the document to present to the Assembly and be approved without modifications, as established in article 313 numeral 2 of the Constitution, in two legislatures and then submit it to a referendum,”  he said.

To achieve the constitutional reforms, he would have to negotiate with President, Juan Carlos Varela, in the event that he intends to discuss the proposal in the coming days to be debated by the current deputies that end on June 30.

The document would be presented in the next legislature that begins on July 1. After its approval, the Executive must call a referendum for final approval.

Although the ordinary sessions of the National Assembly ended on April 30, President Varela has said that he will convene extraordinary sessions to reform the Negotiable Payment Certificates Law of the Second Part of the Thirteenth Month (Cepadem) to pay the $100 of bonds. to retirees and pending ratifications of the magistrate of the Supreme Court of Justice and directors of the Canal.

Cortizo also indicated that during its first 100 days it will concentrate on reactivating the economy, through the payment of debts to government contractors, and initiating the ‘Manos a la Obra’ program, which is identified by provinces and counties to maintain and rehabilitate highways.

Another important issue is the reform of the Public Procurement Law.

In the first months of management, water will be a priority. “For human consumption, production of food and water for the Canal,” he said.

Cortizo  said  the issue of education is the ‘star’ theme of his government’s plan.

Accompanied by his elected vice president, José Gabriel Carrizo, and part of his campaign team, Cortizo held a meeting with the magistrates of the Electoral Tribunal on Monday May 6.

It was his first public appearance on the first day after he was informed of his  victory on  on Sunday, May 5.

Cortizo won with the narrow margin of 2% of the votes cast, and his proclamation will be on Wednesday.