OPINION: What's in it for me?

The complete publication of the payrolls and donations of the National Assembly, together with the scandal of Pandeportes funds that were laundered by corrupt federations and organizations, to benefit deputies, reminds us of the repugnant face of clientelism.

In the name of meeting the infinite needs of voters, politicians take advantage of the campaign to deliver goods or money in exchange for votes. Once elected, voracious electoral machinery needs new funds to stay active. That gift of public money, that is to say, of the taxes that we all pay, cause the shortage of medicines, the bad educational situation of the country, the cost overruns of public works and even the unnecessary hiring.

The cynicism and corruption practiced by the voters are the counterparts to the great corruption that prevails in a large part of Panamanian politics. “What’s there for me?” Seems to be the reasoning that makes up an important part of the population. That mentality has turned the State into a bazaar and democracy into a business for the highest bidder – LA PRENSA Apl. 30.