Deputy said linked to gang leader sues for $1 million


PRD deputy Alfredo Fello Perez presented a civil lawsuit on Wednesday demanding the payment of $1 million by  Corporación La Prensa, following the publication of two about his ties with Carlos Enrique Mosquera, alias Calitín, prosecuted for gangs and drug trafficking.

“They are doing us immense damage a few days before the elections,” said Perez, along with his lawyer, on Wednesday, April 17, when he went to the civil courts of the Judicial Branch. The content of the lawsuit is unknown reports La Prensa.

“The publication they are doing on criminal gangs puts my family at risk, ” said the deputy, who said he could be presenting other complaints.

He indicated that the reports disclosed by this media are “false publications, half publications … there are political and economic groups that do not want this deputy to return” said a La Prensa report.

Pérez aspires to reelection in the circuit 8-4 (Chepo, Balboa, Chimán, Taboga).

Although he maintained that the publications are “false”, he later indicated that these are “very old” issues, which have even been resolved “totally in our favor”.

He said that he has had partnerships for nine years, that they did not operate or that they did not open a bank account, and “today, some of these people (who were part of society) who have a legal issue, that is his problem, not my problem or my family’s. ” 

Carlos Enrique Mosquera, aka Calitín, is cited reported by intelligence reports as the leader of the Calor Calor gang; He is currently detained in the maximum security prison of Punta Coco and had a relationship and a child with Nitzia Pérez, sister of the deputy.

The deputy, his sister, and Mosquera were subscribers in the companies  The Versace Internacional CO., SA, and  Agro Darién SA, created since 2010 in order to participate in several public tenders.

The authorities captured in 2012 in the port of Balboa several containers of the company  Agro Darién SA, inside which there was cocobolo, whose extraction and commercialization are prohibited.

For this case, Pérez was called to trial by the Public Ministry, but after being elected deputy in 2014 the case went to the sphere of the  Supreme Court of J, where it is still sitting.

The deputy has three other complaints in the Court for writing checks without funds.