Small  regional hotels planning 3-countrypackages

Small Central American hoteliers are working on a multi-destination offer between Costa Rica, Nicaragua and Panama to attract visitors to the region.

The initiative, announced in the transfer from Costa Rica to Panama of the “pro tempore” Presidency of the Central American Federation of Small Hotels (FECAPH), focuses on plans to develop, strengthen and update the tourism sector.

This organization, which will be led by the Panamanian entrepreneur Hector Golcher during 2019, intends together with the Central American guild to replicate a multi-destination proposal that has been successful for Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala.

He also stressed the need to promote charter flights, which would promote the entire region, also noted that strategic alliances will be made with international organizations and meetings with tourism chambers to identify tourism products that are in each region as agrotourism, fairs, and adventures.

“The idea is to see what we can offer our guests and encourage them to stay a day or two more nights and repeat the destination,” he said.

In addition, Golcher emphasized that training is a key element for tourism, so he advanced that in his management he will update the method of marketing, public relations, reception, event organization and use of digital platforms.

The FECAPH,  is composed of 1,500 hotels and small hotels. In May, it will stage an assembly within the framework of the celebration of EXPOTURISMO, organized by the Chamber of Tourism of Panama and the Chamber of Commerce, Industries and Agriculture of Panama (CCIAP).

At the end of next July, Panama will host the XVII Central American Forum of Small Hotels as a result of assuming the Presidency of FECAPH.