Four groups bid forMetro Line 3

Four consortiums submitted their proposals on Tuesday, April 2 for the contract for the design and construction of the third line of the Panama Metro, which will connect Albrook, in the capital, with Ciudad del Futuro, in Arraiján.

It is the ACPC consortium, formed by the companies Acciona, of Spain, and Power China; the Line 3 Consortium, formed by FCC Construcción (Spain) and Cicsa (Mexico); the HPH consortium, made up of the Korean companies Hyundai Engineering and Construction and Posco E & C; and China Railway Group Limited.

An evaluation committee will have a period of 30 working days with the possibility of 20 additional days to complete the evaluation of the technical proposals, which will have a weighting of 51% in the final score of each group. The price, which will remain hidden until the technical evaluation is completed, will have a weight of 49% in the rating.

The technical score and the price of the bidders, as well as the official price, will be revealed in a public act by Metro de Panamá and in which the winner of the bid will be known.

Agustín Arias, director of Projects and Planning for Panama Metro, said that once the contract is  awarded, the consortium will have a term of 54 months

Line 3 will be 25 kilometers long and have 14 stations in a journey of about 45 minutes. It will connect with line 1 at the Albrook station, whose station will be replaced by a wider one to accommodate an integrated space on both lines.