Jetsetting ex-deputy gets ok to try for judge

Panama’s  Ministry of Government (Mingob) has certified that the controversial  ex-deputy Franz Wever who has fed at the public trough for decades and after losing his seat as a lawmaker was appointed secretary general of the National Assembly and continues up head sports bodies in spite of complaints of conflict of interest,

He has come under attack fore for his numerous trips around the world at taxpayer ex[ense,

(Mingo) certified that Franz Wever is qualified to exercise the position of magistrate of the Supreme Court.

According to Mingob,  Wever complies with all the requirements established by law 67 of 2008, which creates the jurisdiction of accounts and establishes the requirements to be a judge of the Court of Auditors.

The requirements are: Being Panamanian;  at least 35 years old; in full enjoyment of civil and political rights; be a graduate of Law; Having practiced the legal profession for at least 10 years.

Wever processed the  certification, in January  when he expressed his intention to seek a magistrate’s seat on from the Court of Auditors