Corruption challenge sidelined


More than 200 years ago, the understanding was reached that if men were angels, governments would not be needed; and if governments were formed by angels, laws would not be needed. Apparently, the seven presidential candidates want us to think they are angels since in terms of corruption their proposals have been vague or contradictory with the trajectory of the political parties that accompany them. While some warn us that a constituent assembly is needed to confront corruption at the root, others suppose that its mere arrival to power, and by its express will, corruption would vanish thanks to its supposed “example of probity”. But there are no proposals of what, how and when. The opacity that has pursued the electoral processes comes from the hand of the big donors and the interests linked to each candidate. Candidates may start by publishing their asset declaration and identifying their possible conflicts of personal, family or donor interests. This demand may seem excessive, but we are not in the presence of angels, but of human beings who intend to dispose of our goods for the next 5 years – LA PRENSA Mar. 18