Auditions for all-women play – last call

The final auditions for five   women to play  roles in Ladies at the Alamo described by a  reviewer as a  “biting, explosive and very funny play”
 The will be held at the Theatre Guild of Amador (TGA)  on Saturday, March 16  from Noon to 3 pm.

Director Ramona Rhoades is seeking English speaking women for – totally different roles, yet all equally powerful.  The play will run at the TGA: June 6-22.

40s-50s. Gutsy – honest, maybe too honest – true one-of-a-kind who delights in being charming and amusing but can be intense and passionate on occasion.

Bella: 30s-40s. Attractive drunk – dress expensive comment – wickedly calculating no matter how much she has had to drink.

Suits (Beatrice): younger woman on the heavy side, seems jolly and naïve as a good cover for neurotic impulses. A reservoir of power underneath.

Joanne: 40+. Rich and powerful – a presence to be reckoned with – a pacing animal held in check by generations of Social Steel.

Shirley: Mid 30s. Dramatic, twitching, in motion, always “on”, well, spoken, voice resonant, one can sense much tension underneath.

She is also looking for men and women with rich voices to record Chekov lines.