Martinelli psychiatrist fired for poor work ethic


Frank Guelfi, the psychiatrist who signed the incapacity certificate of former President Ricardo Martinelli,  leading to the delay of his trial, was dismissed 11 years ago from the Hospital Santo Tomás (HST).

He subsequently sued the hospital, at least four times he sued -without success- before the Supreme Court reports La Prensa.

The first action of Guelfi was against a note dated December 21, 2001 , issued by the Head of the Psychiatric Service of the hospital , in which the doctor was notified of the suspension of the charge for two days and a salary discount for absenting from teaching activities for aimed at residents, interns and medical students of the hospital. The court declared that the sanctioning note issued by the Chief of the Psychiatric Service was not illegal and denied the complaint.

The second action was directed against a note dated February 18, 2002,  also from the head of the Psychiatry Service of Santo Tomás , which sanctioned Guelfi for – again –  absenting himself without justified reason for the academic meetings and failing to carry out tasks proper to the work under his charge,  and ordered his suspension from office for three days.

On February 21, 2003, the Third Chamber declared that the note of February 18, 2002, was not illegal and denied Guelfi’s claim.

The doctor went again to the Court to claim a note of May 23, 2005, also from the head of the Psychiatry Service of the HST, Marcel Penna, who issued a five-day suspension “for breach of the regulations of the institution ” This demand was also rejected by the Third Chamber in, 2005.

In September 11, 2006, the Chamber did not admit another suit by Guelfi, this time against a five-day suspension of the psychiatrist.