Court rejects another Martinelli appeal


Yet another appeal  in the seemingly unending ploys by  the high-end legal team of ex-president Ricardo Martinelli has been rejected

The Superior Court of Appeals denied the remission to the full Supreme Court of Justice of a warning of unconstitutionality, against Article 50 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, which regulates the impediments and challenges to judges and magistrates.

The three judges that make up the trial court in the case against Martinelli for the alleged commission of crimes against the inviolability of secrecy and the right to privacy, and embezzlement, were unanimous in their decision.: The complainant victims recused judges Roberto Pereira and Raúl Vergara, and the defense did the same with Arlene Caballero.

The court considered that Article 50 was already used by the defense with Judge  Jerónimo Mejía – judge of guarantees in the process and that such a request was denied on June 29, 2018. “Therefore, Article 50 has been the subject of the application in this criminal proceeding,” says a Judicial Body press release.

Martinelli reamains in El Renacer Prison awaiting trial in early March.