Whooping cough cases spreading

The Ministry of Health (Minsa) has detected eleven cases of pertussis (whooping cough) outside the Ngäbe Buglé region, two of which have died.

The eleven cases were detected in Panama Metro (seven), East Panama (two) and Coclé (two). The two deaths were recorded in Panama Metro and Coclé.

These cases are added to the 95 that have been detected in the Ngabe Bugle Comarca since December, of which 84 are in recovery and 11 have died.

Health authorities report indicated, at a press conference, that they are “applying all measures of control and prevention”’ of the disease.

According to the authorities, there are “geographical, climatic, cultural, religious and high mobility difficulties”’ to counteract the outbreak of pertussis in the region.

Itza Barahona de Mosca, general director of Health, said that pertussis, being a bacterium, is more difficult to counteract than a disease caused by a virus. That is why, said the doctor, there are cases throughout the country,

He said that the cultural difficulties they have had are something that happens, not only in Panama but in the world because there are anti-vaccine groups. However, in the Ngabe Bugle Comarca, they work with traditional indigenous authorities to overcome these barriers.