OPINION: Keep Your Eyes Peeled

The initiative that warns citizens to “Keep Your Eyes Peeled on the management of some elected officials is a legitimate exercise of freedom of expression and the right of the population to be properly informed. In the past, with good judgment, the Supreme Court of Justice and the Electoral Tribunal have ruled in favor of these principles that are also enshrined in the jurisprudence of the inter-American human rights system. The act of demanding that a candidate for a popularly elected office be held accountable for his actions or omissions must never be censored by the candidate for that office or by any authority. What happened recently with a series of billboards f that sought to alert the population about serious questions, which are already public to certain politicians must turn on the citizen alert. In a democracy, silencing the voice that questions is simply unacceptable, especially at a time when the country is preparing to choose new authorities at all levels. Freedom of expression and the right to be informed are not negotiable. This must be clear to not only the institutions but those who aspire to come to power–LA PRENSA, Feb. 20