Martinelli sons in Miami Court on Carnival Monday


THE MIAMI  Court hearing for the two sons of Ex-president Ricardo Martinell has been set for March 4  (Carnival Monday) just two weeks before their father he is scheduled to face trial in the illegal wire-tapping Immigration.

Ricardo Alberto and Luis Enrique Martinelli Linares – have awaited the hearing since their arrest in Coral Gables by agents of the Immigration and Customs  Enforcement Service (ICE) on November 20.

The sons had entered the United States legally, but in 2017 their visas were revoked.

On December 4, they appeared at a hearing and where they managed to obtain bail of one million dollars apiece and they were released from detention The process was set to continue before the Immigration Court on January 22; but it was suspended due to the partial shutdown of the offices of the United States government.

Now, the Court has rescheduled the hearing for March 4 when the day it is expected, that a decision will be made if the Martinelli Linares brothers are expelled or extradited.

Money Laundering
In Panama, they are wanted by anti-corruption prosecutors to face criminal proceedings for money laundering offenses, in the Odebrecht and Blue Apple cases.

For these two investigations, the prosecution requested the arrest of both for extradition purposes, through an Interpol   Interpol red alert.

The former president Martinelli is being held in El Renacer prison in Panama and is

scheduled for a Supreme Court hearing on next Monday, February 4, after requesting bail to get out of prison and for the remedy of rights. It is the latest of a series of delaying strategies used by his team of lawyers since his return to Panama on June 11 last year after a year in a Miami jail

On March 12, the former president should start his trial in the wiretapping case.