Panama students get 26  international maths awards


Students who participated in international mathematics Olympics representing Panama in 2018 won 26 awards, including  10 medals and 16 honorable mentions.

Heading the medals list was the gold l won by Leonardo Marciaga competing in the  May XXVI Olympiad in Argentina.

Luis Modes, obtained two silver medals: one in Cuba at the XX Mathematical Olympiad of Central America and the Caribbean; and another in the XXXIII Ibero-American Mathematics Olympiad organized by Spain and Portugal.

Seven students received bronze medals: Leonardo Marciaga, at the XXIII Ibero-American Mathematics Olympiad in Spain and Portugal; and Anie Lou, David Garcia, Luis Modes, Brian Chen, Andres Hau, and Iana Mitchev, at the XXVII International Mathematical Kangaroo Competition.

It has been one of the most productive years for Panama’s young people in international tournaments In 2017, they won five medals and three honorable mentions.