WYD events and free performances open to all ages

The World Youth Day (WYD) Panama 2019 is an event bringing together thousands of pilgrims from over 160 countries to celebrate with Pope Francis, and, the Local Organizing Committee (COL) insist that the international event including multiple presentations by performing groups is open to all people.

Fake news circulating on social media has indicated that there will be restrictions

The Archbishop of Panama and President of the COL, José Domingo Ulloa, told TVN Noticias that because thousands of pilgrims have registered for WYD, people may think that they will not have the opportunity to participate in the events,  and witness multiple performers, however, everyone who wants to attend can.

There will be points for pilgrims and for people who are not registered, said Archbishop Ulloa.

Spokespersons of the Local Organizing Committee (COL) of WYD told TVN2. They are motivating all the people to be part of the events in the Campo Santa Maria la Antigua (Cinta Costera), Campo San Juan Pablo II (Metro Park) and the Parque de la Juventud (Parque Omar).

“All those places are open so they can participate,” says the COL When people who have not registered come to the event, the authorities will indicate what the points are, taking into account that the pilgrims have reserved the places where they will be placed.

It is important that people keep in mind that all events with the Pope are free.