Beware soliciting phony WYD pilgrims

While Panama authorities have been bussing street indigents from Panama City to the interior in advance of World Youth Day,(WYD/JMJ),  better clothed local con-artists, recognizing a  new opportunity have filled the gap and are posing as pilgrims asking for money to solve a problem,

Indigents removed from Panama streets

Male and female, they are operating  principally  in commercial areas in the capital  and the standard line is that the supplicant’s luggage, purse or wallet, and documents have been stolen and he or she needs money for necessities

RPC journalist Alvaro Alvarado alerted his radio audience about the fraudster activities . on Thursday, January 16

“Do not be fooled,” warned the broadcaster, who explained that each pilgrim has an identification card, and moves in a group with a chaperone and is assigned to a center or a church.

Alvarado stressed that citizens suspecting a scam of this type should notify the National Police (PN).