Info centers for pilgrims, residents remain confused


Information centers for pilgrims arriving to celebrate World Youth Day (WYD) January  22-25   became operational in several locations on Saturday, January 12. while a La Prensa poll reveals that 92% of respondents do not understand the mobility arrangements for residents during the event.

Another 97 information centers, staffed by volunteers will be opened activated January 21  in transport terminals across the country and in the city of Panama.

Information will be provided on the main WYD events, the location of points of interest and on tourism in the country. Trained volunteers will be at the sites 24 hours a day until January 27.

From midnight January 12, information points will be activated in the three centers where most pilgrims are expected to arrive: The Grand National Transportation Terminal and i the Marcos A. Gelabert Airport, and Tocumen International Airport.