Supermarkets and minis ready for WYD

The  estimated  arrival of some 250,000 participants for World Youth Day (WYD) Jan. 22-27, but with thousands arriving earlier   and  preceded by  the Panama Jazz Festival (Jan.14-19) , Panama supermarkets and minis face  a  logistical challenge ensuring that they can still supply their 4 million regular customers while taking advantage of the increased sales opportunity from the transients.

La Prensa reports that for several months the supermarket chains of the country have been preparing a logistics plan and have reinforced their workforce to meet the demand of consumers.

For example, the contingency plan of Grupo Rey began more than six months ago and involves the entire supply chain, in order to guarantee the provision of basic food and toiletries. Storage space was increased by 30% and regular purchases for the month have been increased by 50%.

Water, perishable products, fruits, vegetables, and toiletries top the list, but no mention of the of university life staple, macaroni cheese.

Óscar García , director of the Consumer Protection  Authority (Acodeco) , said that, although there is no prior coordination with private agents, he projects that the goal of supply and inventory will be achieved.

“It is an economic opportunity for all these companies to increase their sales, so, surely what they will do is to supply themselves in an adequate way and have an inventory that is much higher than the regular one.”

