Panamas new white elephant

Over four years have passed since the inauguration  of Cinta Costera 3 in 2014, at a cost of $782 million, but one of its most emblematic properties  a $2 million building that was  to have become a restaurant  lies empty and neglected  reports La Prensa

Although the structure is under the jurisdiction of the  Ministry of Public Works (MOP) and there is a multi-million dollar budget for the maintenance of the entire coastal strip, part of the building is in an advanced state of deterioration and has even been vandalized.

Although the future of the property has not yet been defined, one of the options studied by the MOP at the beginning of the  current government, was its suitability  for commercial premises, such as Sabores de El Chorrillo, which is under the umbrella of the Panama Municipality but  nothing developed

The building had been offered as a concession, to the Odebrecht construction company which built it. But, citizen pressures after revelations of the corruption scandals involving the company worldwide the Varela government suspended the contract.

Gustavo Bernal, president of the Panamanian Society of Engineers and Architects (SPIA), said it was regrettable that after so many millions dedicated to the Cinta Costera project, there are now structures in these bad conditions.

“We are talking about a  2 million building on the coastal strip that is being thrown into the water tank.”

Bernal said that if the MOP cannot take over the property, it should be transferred to the Municipality of Panama, as established by Law 37 on decentralization, which confers on local governments the management of public spaces in the country. Coastal belt 3 had a total cost of $ 782 million, and the Mirador del Pacifico the tourist site built on landfill near the Seafood Market cost $68.2 million.

The breakwater filling cost$ 48.1 million. The “restaurant” building cost $ 2 million and the landscaping, $7.7 million and  $10.4 million – was used for paving, drainage, and earthworks.

Deputy José Antonio Domínguez, a former MOP Minister said that what is happening with the millionaire structure can be classified as negligence. “If the MOP does not intend to put the building to work, it must give it in concession, so that it represents some income for the State,” he said.

*Hospital Santo Tomas built in 1924 was labeled a white elephant by opposition lawmakers who thought it was too big for a small country.