Repatching Bridge of Americas patch up

The company that spent many months on the “Rehabilitation of the Superstructure and Substructure of the Bridge of the Americas ” is back at work patching up the rolling slab on the bridge says The Ministry of Public Works (MOP).
The Ministry says that the work is a follow-up to the earlier activities, of MCM Global, SA in what corresponds guarantee of the project ” and they do not generate any cost for the State.
To affect as little as possible the heavy traffic that develops on the road during the day, the work has been scheduled at night, from 10:00 pm to 3:00 am, and at the same time taking advantage of the partial start of the dry season which has allowed work to be done without major interruptions.
The MOP estimates that the tasks will last from 4 to 5 weeks, taking into consideration that they are suspended on December 23 and will resume the first week of January 2019, in order to allow the increased traffic flow to and from the interior. during these dates,