OPINION: Panama and China, agenda

A Chinese proverb says that “you have to dig the well before you are thirsty”. With the visit of the President of the People’s Republic of China, Panama has entered into a global geopolitical storm. Although the demographic, economic, technological, political and cultural trends that indicate that the 21st century will be the era of the rise of Asian power are already obvious, it is also true that China is going through a process of important  transformations  That country represents the largest market in the world, but at the same time, it can be another lost opportunity if we do not prepare ourselves to take advantage of the Chinese opening. Beyond the protocol and ceremonial that this visit implies, Panama and China have to build a common agenda, based on the balance of interests. Panama is a country very susceptible to mercantile illusions, the product of poorly elaborated or distorted public policies by vested interests of some parasitic group in power. The question that should guide our leaders and those who aspire to become a government is very clear: what can Panama gain? China will have a thousand and one ways to obtain benefits; Panama will only have them if transparency and the rule of law are strengthened, so that all those negotiations and projects that are carried out, imply a real benefit. Otherwise, we will be digging wells for another’s thirst. – LA PRENSA, Dec.2