Martinelli prosecutor calls for urgent action

Supreme Court Judge Harry Diaz,  who is serving  as   prosecutor in the  wiretapping  case   against former president Ricardo Martinelli has sent a “special request” to the president of the  Court, Hernán De León, calling for  the guarantee protection  Amparo presented by the defense to  be resolved with “urgency”

Diaz also referred to the possibility that the case goes to the ordinary courts and in this sense requested that everything acted is maintained and not canceled.

“It is necessary to know if the Plenary of the Supreme Court will maintain or not the competence, of the process followed by former President Martinelli, before December 11, 2018 [the date set for oral trial]; because in case of maintaining the competence, the Office of the Prosecutor must prepare for everything that involves an oral trial,”says Díaz in the letter.

“We consider that because of the importance of the process and what the possible outcome represents for the administration of justice, it is not advisable to postpone a decision that may affect the normal course of the trial, hence the need to reach the final stage with the certainty that what has been done up to that moment is valid, “

Last Monday, Judge Jerónimo Mejía , acting as judge of guarantees, validated the accusation against Martinelli and set December 11 as the start date of the trial before the plenary session, constituted in collegiate court