ENVIRONMENT: battling the plastics monster

As in the rest of the world, there have been several attempts in Central America to ban the use of some plastic products. Last month in El Salvador, a law initiative was presented to Congress establishing a one-year deadline for companies to replace the use of plastic bags with other materials and  companies producing articles with avocado and corn seed resin, and products with additives that allow the decomposition of plastic in less time

In Panama, on January 19   this year, supermarkets, pharmacies, and retailers were given 18 months to stop using plastic bags, and warehouses and wholesalers got 24 months.

In Guatemala, t the end of 2017, a law was presented to the Congress, already approved by a legislative commission, which proposes to ban the use of plastic bags in the country

In this context, companies in the  plastics  sector seek to innovate in the creation of products, since the beginning of the year Carvajal Empaques  at its plants in El Salvador are doing studies with avocado seed resin, corn resins and products with additives to decompose the plastic in less time (from one to five years). They are currently in the phase of producing the first presentations of plates and glasses, which  will be marketed in early 2019  reports, CentralAmericaData