Athletes plan rally to protest vanishing funds

A group of prominent Panama athletes, led by Diego Castillo and Juan Ramón Solís plan to lead a rally on the Cinta Costera on  Wednesday, November 28  to demand  “better days” for Panamanian sport following recent revelations of millions of dollars intended for support of athletes being misused by politicians.

Castillo is the president of the commission of athletes of the Panama Olympic Committee and Solis is the president of the Panama Association of Footballers

They met at the University of Panama on Saturday afternoon\ November 17  to discuss the current problem.

The call comes after an investigation by La Prensa, which revealed alleged deviations in the contributions given by the Panamanian Sports Institute ( Pandeportes) to federations, leagues, sports organizations and individuals between 2014 and 2017, which often did not arrive at their destination. or were directed to non-existent leagues.

At the meeting, it was agreed that the demonstration will be open to all concerned citizens.