OPINION: Odebrecht continues pummeling

Odebrecht has cost us millions of dollars and we continue to pay. It is no longer just about the money from the payment of bribes that its executives confessed having handed over to Panamanian officials and individuals to guarantee tailor-made contracts. We cannot forget that during this administration contracts were awarded for billions of dollars, although the company already faced strong questions. As if this was not enough, now we will have to pay almost $18 million as part of an agreement between the State and the company to correct the irresponsible management, to say the least, on the part of officials of the Martinelli administration by postponing the expansion plans of The third line of electric transmission. This agreement supposes, in addition, the payment of half of the fees for the arbitration that Odebrecht would have incurred. That is, we Panamanians lose again. This is what happens when the officials on duty conduct themselves with the veil of opacity and keep silent before the population’s questions. It’s time to demand accountability, – LA PRENSA, November, 9