Comptroller surprised, and saddened by embezzlement ruling

Panama Comptroller Federico Humbert declared himself “saddened by how difficult it is  to get justice done  in Panama” following the declaration by a criminal judge on Thursday, November  8 that a $10.1 million  embezzlement case against a former cabinet minister was null  and void as the forensic audit was “ineffective”

Judge Leslie Loiza, who declared the nullity of the process against former Minister of Social Development, Guillermo Ferrufino, for embezzlement and corruption in the rental of helicopters through the National Assistance Program (PAN).

“Without a doubt, I am surprised by the ruling. There is no doubt that the Comptroller’s Office has not had any audit report that I have signed, with which I do not feel comfortable. The professionalism of the Comptroller’s auditors has been demonstrated and they have earned the respect of the citizens,” Humbert told TVN Noticias.

The comptroller noted that more than 500 audits have been delivered to the Public Ministry and the Supreme Court of Justice as part of the processes that are carried out.

“It saddens me a little as a Panamanian to see, how difficult it is to get justice done, but do not have the slightest doubt that I would sign again the same report presented by the auditors of the forensic investigations and audits department,” he said.

Judge Loiza decided that the case against Ferrufino was  null for violation of due process,

The ruling, to which TVN Noticias had access resolves an annulment incident filed by lawyer Franklin Amaya, legal counsel for Ferrufino.

According to Judge Loaiza, pilots of the company Heliflight Panamá SA confirmed that they did fly to areas of difficult access with officials of the Ministry of Social Development (Mides), between 2011 and 2014.

Similarly, the judge took into account a note of July 22, 2015, signed by Roberto Katz, director in charge of the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA), who reported that the Radar system and the system of Messaging Management of ATS Services were changed in 2013, and even though it maintained part of the flight information for that year, it lacked the previous years.

Another argument to annul the investigation of  Ferrufino is that the director of Finance of the AAC, René Augusto González, said that the rates of the rental companies are private transactions that are free supply and demand [The rates paid by Ferrufino were said to be grossly over market prices].
The ruling is, being appealed and Ferrufino is bracing to face four other corruption cases