OPINION: Buying votes beats listing molesters

The figures registered by the Public Ministry reflect an alarming increase in the commission of sexual crimes against minors, with girls being the most affected. These data have led the competent authorities and the communities to work on a plan based on attention to the family and the fight against violence in schools and towns, which aims to not only reduce the number of crimes that are committed, but also take care of the victims. However, this is an initiative that, although positive, is late. That children, no matter how many, are victims of predators should have been enough to sound the alarms of the different government administrations and put an end to this scourge of devastating consequences, both for the victims and for society in general. On the other hand, It is unacceptable that in the legislative agenda are still pending bills such as the one that creates the registry of people convicted of crimes against sexual freedom and integrity, and sexual education that, among other issues, seek to provide tools to safeguard the protection of the most vulnerable. The deputies must understand that their job is not to pass laws that buy votes for the next electoral contest. Ensuring a safe environment so that children are not victims of the barbarity of predators is a pending debt with the country. They try to give tools to safeguard the protection of the most vulnerable. –LA PRENSA, Nov. 4