OPINION: Looking for presidential integrity

Today the patriotic parades begin and, like every year, we will listen to a series of speeches and exaltations. But, if we see the national reality, was it worth the sacrifice of our heroes? Is this realm of the anti-values, the insider game player, the clientelism and the corruption the reason for which the separatist movement leaders fought? If these events should serve any purpose in the current situation, it is to reflect on the serious allegations of corruption, the appalling performance of the organs in their delicate tasks and the way in which the clamor of sectors demanding greater transparency and surrender of accounts is ignored. A ruler cannot say that he loves his people, and then behind his back ignore the pawned word.

Mr. President, be the first to set the example. Yesterday you  said that your  Cabinet analyzed the resumes of the 20 candidates interviewed by the State Commission for Justice, but that “all options are open at this time”, so it does not rule out that the judges appointed to replace Mejía and Ortega are – as you recognized it –  are “off the list”. It would be good to ask why you resist following the guidelines of the Commission. Something that distinguishes the heroes is that, instead of lecturing so much and looking for excuses, they turned their word into deeds. Is it so difficult that, even now, the Executive acts with the height and integrity of those who knew how to put the interests of the population? LA PRENSA, Nov.3