China not sowing weeds in Panama

Wei Qiang, China ’s ambassador to  Panama, did not lose time in issuing a sharp response to comments by US Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, in his 40-minute  on-the-run meeting with President  Juan Carlos Varela on Thursday, October 18.

Pompeo warned  Varela last that the problem with respect to the business between Panama and China, is when state-owned companies appear that are clearly not transparent, are not market-driven, and are not designed to benefit the people of Panama, but rather for the Chinese government. “

Wei Qiang said that his bilateral ties are built with transparency, equality, and respect, without the slightest interest in power games and with no intention of harming any third party. “We unite and do not sow weeds”.

The embassy feels identified with Panama “in the vocation of creating friendship instead of enmity, to unite and connect instead of dividing and sowing weeds, having a big heart instead of narrow-mindedness”.

In his statement, Qiang affirms that China is not afraid of Panama’s relationship with new or traditional partners, but sees it as something positive for the common good of the international community. The press release states that China’s policy categorically rejects any interference in the sovereign affairs of other countries.

He adds that China fully respects the rule of law of Panama and Chinese companies in Panama have been presenting an impeccable record of transparency, legality and social responsibility. Constructive criticism is always welcome but not unfounded denigration.

President  Xi’s visit
Qiang’s response comes during the visit to Panama of Deputy Minister Qin Gang, who is preparing the arrival of President Xi Jiping, scheduled for December.

Panama entered into diplomatic relations with Mainland China in June 2017. Since then, the Isthmus has seen a ping-pong exchange of declarations between the two powers world powers engaged in a trade and tariff war.

Panama has been an important strategic partner for the USA with whom it has developed a bilateral relationship in various fields over a century. The new relations of the Isthmus with China worry Washington about the speed and penetration level of influence in Panama already translated into over  25 bilateral agreements.