Comptroller moves on Assembly ads scam investigation


ANOTHER round in the ongoing battle for transparency between Panama’  Comptroller General, Federico Humbert, and  National  Assembly president Yanibel Ábrego opened on  October 5 when  Humbert requested  “as a matter of urgency”  a report on the advertising contracts celebrated from 2014 to date.

The request was filed after La Prensa published a series of reports in which it is revealed that deputies who owned radio stations broadcast advertisements for the institution.

[Deputy Manuel Cohen got  $30,000 ]

“The report we are requesting must include both the details of the contractor, period, amount, budget line and other financial data, as well as the objective of the contract, so that we can verify compliance through the satisfactory receipt of services borne by public resources allocated in the budget of the institution under their charge, “Humbert said in the letter.

The comptroller also warned that according to article 309 of the Constitution it is established that public

servants may not celebrate by themselves or by interposed persons, contracts with the entity or bodies in which they work when they are lucrative and of a nature unrelated to the service. they lend.

Humbert also responded to the lawyer Ernesto Cedeño, who asked him to audit the publicity contracts of the Legislative Body.