OPINION: Only re-election matters

The increase in spending that the Assembly has approved after the Executive requested it, is an irresponsibility. The Government must adjust to its income, to work with what it has and stop projecting works or expenses that it cannot pay for. It is this type of action that eventually become the reason why it becomes necessary to create new taxes or increase them. And when the need to take money from citizens arrives, then nobody is responsible for these absurdities, that have no other purpose than to show works for re-election or for political patronage, something that in the Assembly the deputies know perfectly. Worst of all, this type of bedroom arrangement between the Executive and the Legislative are not free. The so-called pact of governance is no secret to anyone, so it is not nonsense to ask ourselves now what the deputies will receive in exchange for their precious votes in favor of the dispensation. We are governed by people lacking vision, lacking plans, which ignores the story. They only know how to behave like real Panurgo rams. – LA PRENSA, Oct. 5.