Protesting corridor tolls ending backtrack

A group of protesters led by lawyer Víctor Martínez, descended on the offices of the National Highway Company (ENA), to demand that corridor tolls be used for maintenance of the highways and not used for the construction of the on the Panama Canal fourth bridge and that the government live up to  a no tolls in 2020 promise

Carrying banners that read  “No to the corridors Scam. ” … “30 years more, NO! Free corridors YES! ” and” NO to Reelection,”  they marched to the road near the Atlapla convention center, to join supporters the National Union of  Construction workers (Suntracs).

The Government has granted an extension of the concession of the Southern Corridor contract for 30 years, which allows the toll collection to be maintained until 2048. This concession expired in 2029.

The past administration bought the North and South corridors and promised that they would be free, starting in 2020.