Martinelli could be moved to new jail after women visits, threats

The bad behavior exhibited by the former president, Ricardo in El Renacer prison could have consequences. including suspension of visits or transfer to another prison said Minister of Government Carlos Rubio on  Monday, October 1.

The Disciplinary Board will determine what sanctions would be applied..He said that the mistakes that Martinelli has committed are very serious,  and he reiterated that the ex-president,s rights have not been violated.

Martinelli threatened his custodians in El Renacer and locked himself and his female visitors in a prison house, disregarding the prison law.

One source said that Martinelli received visits separately from Linda Jesthon and María Salaverry.and in both cases he locked himself up, defying orders of the custodians.  When told he could not do that  he told the guard he could,’t talk to him [Martinelli] and threatened to assault the custodian

the Directorate General of the Penitentiary System reported that the former president “ignored” the penitentiary law, after threatening to attack prison custodian staff

Law 55, in article 80, states that it is a threat to attack, threaten or coerce any person, both inside and outside the establishment.” and resisting orders is a reason for sanctions.

It is not the first time that a controversy has arisen over visits that Martinelli has received. In July, a lawyer came to visit him in the company of a young woman, who was supposedly his intern. When the custody staff checked  her identity  they found  that she was a foreigner and that she was not a lawyer or an  intern;

Mario Martinelli, brother of the former president complained that his brother was treated “like a dog” in the prison.