Victim ploy Martinelli denied jail exitto primary vote

Former President Ricardo Martinelli will not be leaving the El Renacer prison on Sunday, Sep 30 to cast a vote in the  Democratic  Change   (CD) primaries.

After a four hour recess, following a 12 hour hearing of arguments from the prosecution and defense in the wiretapping and embezzlement case against Martinelli, The Judge e of Guarantees Jerónimo Mejía declared himself incompetent to authorize him to vote.

Martinelli who at each court appearance arrives handcuffed yelling political slogans immediately labeled the decision a “Mockery” and his well-worn mantra “political persecution”  which is used to describe any  attempt to investigate him for  his alleged role in alleged crimes during his presidency Meanwhile  prosecuting judge, Harry Diaz, said that Martinelli was breaching electoral law by proselytizing in the court,

Mejia said that he was faced with the omissions of the defense and the lack of clarity in their petition and said that The Electoral Tribunal (ET) has not regulated the way in which those deprived of liberty who have not been convicted can vote in the primary elections of their parties matches. “And if it has been regulated, the defense did not accredit it”, he said.

He clarified that Decree 13 issued by the TE regulates the exercise of suffrage by those deprived of liberty, but only with regard to general elections and for positions of president and Vice President of the Republic, and deputies of the Central American Parliament (Parlacen). “That decree regulates a legal situation completely different, ” he said.

He complained about the defense submitting an application with incomplete documentation, without specifying the position for which Martinelli is nominated and one business day before the election.

The CD  Sunday primaries are to elect their candidates for deputies, mayors, and representatives. Martinelli is a candidate for deputy in circuit 8-8.

The decision of was made after 10:00 p.m., following a hearing of almost 12 hours into the alleged commission of crimes against the inviolability of secrecy and the right to privacy, and for embezzlement.

Before the decision of Mejía, judge prosecutor Diaz and private prosecutor, Rosendo Rivera, asked the guarantee judge to deny the defense. Request.

“We have no problem with Martinelli exercising his rights, but that is not a competency of this podium, “said Diaz  … the defense must submit its request to the Penitentiary and the Electoral Tribunal.

David Cuevas, Rivera’s said Martinelli has the right to suffrage but did not understand why he did not handle the request to vote a month ago. “He’s looking to become the victim so that people give him the vote on Sunday.”     and complained about the “political harangues” by Martinelli.

Prosecutor Diaz denounced the possible violation of the electoral law by Martinelli, who attended hearings displaying political material, of the  CD party.

The prosecutor stressed that the Electoral Code prohibits carrying emblems and partisan political garments in public offices: “This is a judicial office. An electoral violation has been committed “, Diaz warned that the electoral law prohibits “any kind of propaganda … in favor of candidates or political parties in offices, dependencies, and public buildings”
