US visas at risk for corrupt deals

The UNITED STATES threatens to revoke the visa to politicians or businessmen, and their families, from the Central American region who have negotiated agreements in which corruption and criminal acts are identified according to a notice on the website of the US embassy in El Salvador.

The US,  which recently called  to Washington  its heads of mission in Panama, El Salvador, and the Dominican Republic, after the three countries  established diplomatic relations with China has expressed concern about the  lack of  transparency over treaties that have been signed, with  China is aggressively pursuing  construction and investment in the region

Panama President Varela signed 25 treaties with the People’s Republic of China that include commercial topics, economic cooperation, and electricity, projects among others.

However reports La Estrella the North Americans have noticed in the region a disturbing tendency that indicates that, often, many transactions lack transparency and do not respond to the long-term interests of the countries, in addition to the presumption of illicit enrichment.

“Preventing and effectively combating corruption is essential to have strong and functional democracies throughout the Americas, and our embassy in San Salvador and others in the region … will continue to monitor the presumptions of illicit enrichment. Where corruption or other criminal acts are identified, the United States will consider canceling the visas of the persons involved and their relatives “says the embassy post.

the United States mentions that as more countries in the region seek agreements and relationships with “unknown partners” whose methods lack a positive record’, they notice a disturbing trend about transactions that lack transparency.

The statement summarizes the results of the call to  Washington consultation made by the Trump administration f on September 14.

T he Chinese ambassador to Panama, Wei Qiang, criticized the US “meddling”. in Panamanian sovereignty.

“The heads of mission that traveled to Washington offered a valuable perspective in the talks on how the United States can continue to support stable, independent and democratic institutions and economies in Central America and the Caribbean,”  says the US embassy portal.

“Similarly, , the United States remains committed to supporting the efforts of its partners to promote transparency, the rule of law, economic growth and democratic values in the region and the world

















