OPINION: Wannabe presidents dodge issues

In what seemed like a hint about how they will carry out their respective campaigns, yesterday Rómulo Roux[CD] and Laurentino Cortizo [PRD], among others, attended the Country Agenda Forum of the Chamber of Commerce, Industries and Agriculture of Panama. Both candidates were evasive and ambiguous on the subject of constitutional reforms  It was not clear if they were in favor, against or just the opposite. Both politicians won their primaries without participating in debates and selecting very carefully their interrelations with journalistic media with the heavy hand of the experienced campaign advisors who guide their clients according to the results of the surveys and focus groups. Have Roux and Cortizo not been in Panama in the last four years?

The important problems facing the country require consultation with all sectors, but above all they need a strong leadership with proposals concrete ideas that give an approximate idea to the voters, both about the style and purpose of the aspirants to the Presidency of the Republic. Panama seeks responsible, courageous and determined adults as rulers.- LA PRENSA, September 20.