Former security boss loses bid to exit jail

An application to get out of jail by the former executive secretary of the National Security Council (CSN), Gustavo Pérez, has been rejected.

Pérez has been detained in  El Renacer prion .since January 22, 2016, for the investigation of the loss of CSN spying equipment.

His lawyers presented documents showing that he suffers from hypertension, allergies, asthma and eye infections. But, in a September 7 ruling, the Second Court said there is no report from the Institute of Legal Medicine and forensic Science (Imelcf), which says that Gustavo Pérez, cannot remain in a penitentiary center.

Therefore, the replacement of preventive detention was declared inadmissible. However, the Court exhorted the Eighth Criminal Court, to request the Imelcf to urgently, make a medical examination of Pérez to determine if the diseases he suffers, prevent him from being in prison.

The Eighth Court has not yet held the preliminary hearing in the case of the loss of the so-called $13 million  “wiretapping machine”.

Pérez and the former director of the National Aid Program (PAN), Giacomo Tamburelli, are imputed in that case.

Perez next and the other ex-executive secretary of the CSN, Alejandro Garúz, faced trial last week in the Sixteenth Court, in the illegal wiretapping case. Both await the judgment of the court.

In addition, Pérez was sentenced to 5 years in prison for illegal possession of weapons But this sentence is suspended pending resolution of a cassation, which is the last resort of challenge.