US State Dept summons regional embassy heads for Taiwan talks

As Panama continues to strengthen trade relations with China, The  United States State Department has summoned the US Charge d’Affaires in Panama, Roxanne Cabral, for consultations related to the decision not to recognize Taiwan as a country.

The call was extended to the ambassadors of the USA in the Dominican Republic, Robin Bernstein; and the US in El Salvador, Jean Manes. John Feeley, the last US Ambassador resigned earlier this  year because of disagreements with President Trump’s policies,

“Our three heads of mission will meet with the leaders of the US government to analyze the ways in which the US can support strong, independent and democratic institutions and economies throughout Central America and the Caribbean,” the State Department statement said.

The call comes at one of the most tense moments of the China-US relationship, and in the midst of a sharp commercial dispute.

The Government of Panama broke off relations with Taiwan in July 2017 and adopted the “one China” policy since then, with the People’s Republic of China the second  biggest user of the Panama Canal after the US. Panama is in the midst of Free trade negotiations with  China

El Salvador recognized China last week.