OPINION: Panama deputies threaten democracy

The deputies of the National Assembly have summoned the director of the National Transparency and Access to Information   Authority (Antai), Angélica Maytín, to the plenary session to respond to a varied questionnaire about its management. We have already seen how the Assembly has summoned officials to try to humiliate them and obtain political revenue, giving the impression that they really oversee public administration. As if they had the moral authority to demand explanations, the deputies conveniently forget that they have not fulfilled the mandate of the Supreme Court of to publish their forms. They remain uneasy about the criticism against them; this is shown by some deputies who rant in plenary against their critics and threaten multi-million dollar demands to social media. These reactions show a vendetta for the growing citizen clamor against the re-election of politicians who have done nothing but benefit from power. With their threats, They try to silence an entire country. What is at stake is the future of democracy in Panama … LA PRENSA, Sep. 5