Anti-corruption prosecutor stands in as Attorney General links with China

Special Superior Anticorruption Prosecutor  Zuleyka Moore has taken over as Attorney General while the incumbent, Kenia Porcell, is on an official mission with Senior Prosecutors in the People’s Republic of China. Moore had been chosen by the Executive as a Supreme Court judge, but her appointment was blocked by the National Assembly.

The Public Ministry reported that Porcell is holding  bilateral meetings in China, “to work against transnational organized crime, and corruption.”

Before leaving last week Porcell said that her trip would also serve to follow up on pending requests for legal assistance related to the “Blue Apple” and “New Business” cases, aimed at identifying the traceability of financial transactions and recover public money diverted abroad.  Prominent members of Ricardo Marinelli’s inner circle  figure in both investigations, particularly “New Business,”  which acquired the Epasa  publishing group giving Martinelli control of Panama America and Critica