OPINION: In support of no-re-election

The slogan against the re-election of deputies is not the product of an organized campaign nor is it backed by guilds, associations, companies or any specific entity. The social claim against corruption and clientelism is organic and, therefore, it constitutes a pure expression of the feeling of citizenship. It is not surprising that a female deputy appealed to the Electoral Tribunal to request that the alleged campaign be investigated; what amazes and saddens is the spokesmen of that entity consenting to such negotiations. This means censorship of free expression and thought. Will they ask for punishment for those who ask not to vote for the corrupt? Yesterday, in the plenary session of the Assembly, another deputy said that the media exaggerated their coverage of what they do because that sold copies and attracted viewers. They are not able to recognize the truth. Their actions and their opacity are their worst enemies, and just remembering this harms their campaigns. Citizens have the right to express their opinion and criticize the authorities. The Electoral Tribunal must decide if they are with democracy … LA PRENSA, Aug.24