OPINION: Courage ofcorruption fighting prosecutor

THE ATTORNEY GENERAL of the Nation, Kenia Porcell, has acted with the courage and commitment that public servants wait for in the fight against corruption. She ran the risk that who she mentioned in her public statement are precisely those who can judge it, and not just dismiss it, but also condemn her to prison. Faced with this, not trivial threat, the prosecutor has set an example for the country.

Maybe there are still many questions without answers after her statement, but we must not forget that she received only part of the information and that the interim president of the Supreme Court is the one who can clarify doubts about their conversation. With everything and the risk that for it poses for the prosecutor it is she who, in the knowledge of a fact that could be a crime, has taken the first step so that investigate, although it must be the magistrate who gives the face in this delicate matter. The truth is that The Attorney General has shaken the justice system that is a secret for no one, not even the most skeptical, the crisis it is going through. This official has done much more than we Panamanians when we know of the existence of a crime: She did not keep silent. Now, Judge Hernán De León has the floor… LA PRENSA, Aug 15