Call for Assembly to investigate Prosecutor and Judge meeting

WHILE the Ricardo Martinelli hearing is on hold until August 23 with the prosecuting judge on vacation the ex-president has once again become the focus of medial and civil rights activists attention.

Following revelations by the Attorney General. Kenia Porcell of alleged blackmail of Interim Supreme Court judge Hernan de Leon and the subsequent filing of an investigation request,

lawyer José Antonio Moncada, representing Heraclio Bustamante, headed to the National Assembly  on Tuesday, August 14 to ask the Assembly to determine if the meeting of Porcell and De León violated Article 210 of the Constitution, which states that magistrates and judges are independent in the exercise of their functions.

“It is observed that there have been serious irregularities in both the behavior of the president of the Supreme Court of Justice, as the

the right to failures has been violated, , skipping phases of the process, so the crime of denial of justice, “says Moncada in his

request, which was received by the national secretary of the Assembly, Franz Wever.

Porcell indicated that De León confided that there is a compromising recording against him and that is used to blackmail him to vote in favor of

“knocking  down” the process followed by former president Ricardo Martinelli in the Supreme Court, for unauthorized  interception of communications by the Natonal Security Council in

in the last two years of his  mandate, that is, from 2012 to May 2014.

The Attorney General  revealed details of a meeting she held with De León on July 30in her  office.