OPINION: No to lawmaker impunity

The Observatory of the Judicial System is a civil society initiative led by the Chamber of Trade, Industries and Agriculture of Panama, the Justice and Peace Commission and the Santa María Antigua University This initiative serves as a beacon to the country on the critical topic of justice, emphasizing the use of public funds by the deputies. The Observatory urges the National Assembly to comply with the Constitution, obeying the order of the Supreme Court of Justice to make public its forms.

In addition, it calls for the Office of the Comptroller General to continue with its research on the use of public funds, and in cases where they are mismanaged, present the respective denunciations to the people responsible so that they may be investigated by the Judicial Branch and the Public Prosecutor’s Office, in order to demand accountability and apply sanctions.

The pristine declaration of the Observatory includes the moral leadership of groups that have demonstrated their commitment to Panama. The message is loud and clear: no to impunity.