Pranks and games of jailed Martinelli

Former president Ricardo Martinelli, dubbed “El Loco”  is due back in court on Monday, July 16 for the continuation of his imputation hearing, when he will get to hear details of the evidence against him for illegal wiretapping from Judge prosecutor Harry Diaz.

He  is not only generating comments over what El Siglo calls his  “histrionic” behavior but also over reported incidents at the El Renacer Prison ranging from “luxury” fittings for his “mansion” cell once occupied by former military strongman  Manuel Noriega to attempts to smuggle in a cell phone charger and a woman.

Saturday reports in Mi Diario and El Siglo are about a “beautiful” Colombian, woman, Maria, Cecilia Mejia who tried to visit him posing as a legal intern and accompanied by lawyer Joel Peter Brown. She was not allowed in.

Reports circulated that she was the sentimental partner of one of the plaintiffs’ attorneys who some time ago represented her when she was charged for the death of her husband, Ariel Tuñón.

“I have no relationship with that lady, absolutely. In the past, we had an affair, but I have nothing now. And when I called her she told me that Marta Linares [Martinelli’s wife] asked her to take some belongings to her husband in jail, “said Herrera Morán when asked.

He added that if they do not clarify the situation “then I will denounce this as a dirty war by Martinelli and his lawyers to try to discredit the plaintiffs”  he said.

Mi Diario described Martinelli as desperate, “and while “they say he’s on the verge of death he wanted to make pranks inside the jail …The truth is that as soon as he stepped on Panamanian soil, he made out he’s dying, heart, pains in the head, diarrhea, molars and everything to avoid confinement … he has tried all kinds of tricks. The first actions were applications to the Penitentiary System, through his folkloric lawyer Holland Polo, who asked for a maid a computer and a sound system because he thinks that in El Renacer he can make a party like in his time of power and glory. El Loco and one of his brand-new  CD lawyers who is more “fan” than lawyer, tried put a “cell clock” in his cell-mansion but failed because the jailers were alert and they seized a cell phone loader from the prisoner.

Martinelli, when he has actually made it to the courtroom, in between trips to Santo Tomas hospital, has arrived flourishing a book. His most recent was “Saints and Sinners” With the recent rejection by the Supreme Court of his latest round of delaying tactics. Gibbons  “Decline and Fall” in six volumes might fit. If the prosecutor wins his case, the ex-ruler will have ample time to finish the six volumes.