Boquete protests local killing, femicide


A group of women in the city of Boquete, Chiriqui, on Saturday, July 7, called on authorities to pay more attention to security  following the increase  in femicide in Chiriqui and the country  including the recent killing of a woman on her way to work in Boquete, a tourist center and home to many retired  expats.

The most recent case is the murder of Nuris Castrellón,49, a woman from Boquete who was walking to work and was intercepted on a bridge by a 20-year-old man, who is now in preventive detention.

Emigdio Walker, mayor of Boquete, said the protest comes as a loud and clear call to avoid more cases like that of Nuris Castrellón.

“We ask for justice, not only for what happened to a woman in Boquete but in the rest of the country,” said the mayor.

Last week the judge of guarantees, Rita Williams, decreed legal the arrest against a young man and opened the investigation for his alleged connection with the crimes of femicide, aggravated robbery, and violation against Castrellón.

The killing occurred on  Sunday, July 1, on the pedestrian  bridge that connects the Bajo sector of Boquete with Jaramillo.

According to the autopsy report, Castrellón died after receiving blows in different parts of her body with a blunt object.