MEDIAWATCH:Trump baby will fly over Presidents London visit


A giant balloon dubbed “Trump baby” has been given the all-clear to be flown over Whitehall, home of the UK government during US President Donald Trump’s visit next week reports The Week.

Massive demonstrations against his visit are planned, and he will largely avoid London appearances after meeting with the Queen and Prime Minister Theresa May

London Mayor Sadiq Khan’s Greater London Authority has approved a request for the flight after thousands signed a petition and a crowdfunding campaign raised more than £16,000 to get the 20ft-long inflatable off the ground, Sky News reports.

The inflatable will be allowed to fly for two hours on the morning of Friday, July,  13 as Trump meets Theresa May at  10 Downing Street.

Leo Murray, who is behind the crowdfunded idea, said: “[Trump] really seems to hate it when people make fun of him, so when he visits the UK on Friday, we want to make sure he knows that all of Britain is looking down on him and laughing at him.

“That’s why a group of us have chipped in and raised enough money to have a six-meter high blimp made by a professional inflatables company, to be flown in the skies over Parliament Square during Trump’s visit.”

Murray said organizers initially “didn’t get off to the best start with the mayor’s office over this. They originally told us that they didn’t recognize Trump Baby as a legitimate protest”.

However, he said City Hall had “rediscovered its sense of humor – Trump Baby will fly”.

Trump Tweeted

HUGE news coming in: DONALD J TRUMP BABY WILL FLY! @SadiqKhan tried to play hardball – in the end, he had to make a Deal. No surprise – he’s never won anything in his life! Sad – but True! London here I come!

Ukip leader Nigel Farage tweeted that the plan was “the biggest insult to a sitting US President ever”.