Tourism authority seeks boost from Pope’s visit

With between 4,000 -6000 journalists from around the world expected  to arrive in Panama to  cover the World Youth Day (WYD), which will bring Pope Francis and hundreds of thousands of pilgrims to Panama, the Tourism Authority (ATP) is using the event  as a  promotional opportunity  to boost lagging visitor statistics

The event, from January 22 to 27, 2019, has been promoted by the ATP  at fairs around the world since Pope Francis announced in Krakow, Poland,  that Panama will be the site of the international religious gathering.

The ATP said that “Pope Francis places  a challenge in front of Panama that involves all the effort and  commitment of the population,” including “the improvement of standards.”

The Authority  plans to upgrade the Atlapa convention center for use as the  WPD press HQ.

Larabel González, Head of ATP Public Relations said  “We believe that WYD is one of the most important international showcases that will not only promote Panama tourism but also to show the capacity we have to organize world events,”.

The Authority  holds  regular  meetings with the members of the WPD  Local Organizing Committee to coordinate all the strategies to promote the event, which will be held in 217 days.