Pushback against Assembly president

ALONGSIDE growing public criticism of the actions of National Assembly president Yanibel Abrego in refusing the admission of a forensic audit team sent by the Comptroller General, concerns are being raised within.

Among early critics are Independent  Deputy  Ana Matilde  Gomez and  Deputy José Antonio who have added their voices to those who say that the reason for not allowing the audit of the Assembly’s forms is that they have something to hide.

Domínguez says that the action of the president and of other colleagues who supported it is wrong from every point of view. He says that to date he has not read that there are   any regulations that prevent the Office of the Comptroller General from performing audits in whatever entity, also  understands that the deputies have a special status to be investigated in a judicial process as  the National Assembly manages State resources and therefore must submit to the audits that the comptroller wants to do.  The judicial action that has been presented in the Supreme Court of Justice, means that the body would be violating the law.